Hey everyone. I’m back. I plan on sticking around for a while (that’s the plan, anyway.)

It’s time for another posting of Celebrate the Small Things brought to us by LEXA CAINPost anything in life that you’re celebrating, no matter how small or big, on your blog.

Sign up by clicking on the image, hop around and celebrate with others.

Make Celebrate the Small Thingssure your blog post has a link to the sign-up as well, so other bloggers will be able to sign-up and hop around too. 

This is such a simple and easy blog-hop, and it also happens to be one of my favorites.  After posting the things you have to celebrate, please don’t forget to visit and thank Lexa and her awesome and amazing co-hosts for the wonderful job they do:


LG Keltner @ Writing Off the Edge   and Tonja Drecker @ Kidbits

I’ve been out of the hospital for a few weeks and have gotten a lot of STUFF done.

I’m celebrating:

  1. the fact the Lexa is keeping me on the #CTST list after being away for two months! Whoop!
  2. that I’ve nearly cleaned out all five (yes 5) of my email accounts
  3. I’m beginning to feel like myself again
  4. I’ve gotten a good chunk of spring cleaning done (about half)
  5. my daughter and son-in-law came to see me last week and helped me run errands
  6. I bought a new laptop (that I’m still trying to figure out), thanks in part to some amazing friends.
  7. But most importantly,


What have you celebrated this week?




About My Miracle Life

I'm a writer, blogger, avid reader, book reviewer, sub-arachnoid hemorrhage and stroke survivor, moving forward in my recovery and trying to advocate for stroke and brain hemorrhage awareness and prevention. I'm also slowly working towards independence, driving, my first novel, a memoir and a series of short stories. I've been lucky to have a very small network of close friends to guide me; I've been even luckier to have found an online 'family' of sorts to help me through the rough times.
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8 Responses to #CTST – I LOVE THIS!

  1. And we’re thankful you’re on this side of the grass as well!
    Five emails. That blows my mind. I can barely keep up with mine and the IWSG email. (Which I tend to forget sometimes…)


  2. Deanie Humphrys-Dunne says:

    So happy you’re doing ell, Eva. You got the starring role in my blog last week so you know I’m thinking of you. Have a great week and congratulations on everything you did this week! 🙂


  3. Shah Wharton says:

    Love the positivity of this post


  4. So glad to hear you are well again. Take your time and it will all get done. Celebrating you too!


  5. laralacombe says:

    Glad to hear you’re on the mend!


  6. lexacain says:

    Of course you’re still on the list and always will be! It’s great to hear you’re feeling better and that your DD and SIL helped with errands. I have 4 emails but I have mail from 2 accts forwarded to the other 2, so I don’t miss anything (I hope). You’re way ahead of me on spring cleaning! Have a great weekend! 🙂


  7. Lots of wonderful news here! Hope things are still going well!


  8. aandj8804 says:

    Wow! Lots of accomplishments! Congrats on doing so much cleaning (email, spring)! I always hate cleaning, because I always feel like I need to go back and re-clean what I just cleaned. *sigh* But for a moment everything feels better!


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