I’m Eva and this is my personal journey blog. I’m a sub-arachnoid hemorrhage and stroke survivor, moving forward with my recovery. I’m taking some family, friends, and blogger buddies along for the journey.

My first blog, lilicasplace, just celebrated her fourth blogiversary recently. I started it in February, 2013 as a journal of my writing journey, but it got sidetracked with things that were going on in my life. Now that I’ve created this very special blog, I can focus lilicasplace on writing, book reviewing, and other special writing related endeavors I undertake.

It’s also a celebration of my life. The fact that I survived a TBI (traumatic brain injury) in itself is miraculous. I get that. I’d be lying if I said everyday is a good and pain-free day. I still struggle with my recovery. It’s just a matter of loving the ‘new’ me. I’m the same, but different, if that makes any sense.

I’m still as intelligent as I was pre-bleed, but I have to process things differently. It takes me longer. I’ve always been the sensitive type, even more so now. I get overwhelmed easily and when I do, tears come and I tend to stutter. Then I get frustrated and angry. I work on that constantly. I fear things now that I never did before; working on that as well.

On February 17, 2017, my new neurologist diagnosed me with Syringomyelia after another series of MRIs. Right now, it’s a monitoring situation only. I’ll have another cervical spine MRI in six months to see if it’s expanded or grown. I’ll be posting about that, too.

I am fiercely loyal. If you need someone to vent to, whether you are a survivor, caregiver, or family member – I’m here. Nothing will be repeated on my blog without permission and would be kept in complete confidence. That’s another reason for this blog. I want to be an advocate for stroke survivors and their families too.

I know what it feels like to not have anyone to talk to that understands what I’ve felt and what I feel. When I first started blogging, I had a minimal support system; luckily I found a few truly genuine souls that I was able to open up to, and those few bloggers I now call my friends.  🙂

I use this little space for journaling as well. The only re-blogs you will find are The Coming Clean About My Stroke Series – Parts 1-6, which were re-blogged at various points from lilicasplace. Any other stroke or hemorrhage related writing will be written on this blog from now on.

Thanks again for visiting my little corner of the blogosphere, and I hope you’ll take the journey with me. Please bear with me while she is under construction. She has a way to go.


Updated: February 20, 2017

11 Responses to ABOUT

  1. Pingback: Depression Hurts – And Gets Me Anxious Too… | My Miracle Life

  2. I didn’t know this Eva. I’m so sorry. How can I not have known this. Maybe because I’m wrapped up in my own life and own disability and learning to adjust to a ‘new me’. I’m now following this blog as well. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think you did and just slipped your mind. It happens, especially when you have your own issues going on. I didn’t even realize you had a disability. I’m going to go over your site with a fine tooth comb because I don’t recall you blogging about it. For that I apologize. When I lost people close to me from the same thing I had, it was the trigger for me to start this blog. Hugs, Eva

      Liked by 1 person

      • I only blog about it ocasionally. I don’t want to overwhelm people who are there for the writing and book stuff but surprisingly I do get a lot of support when I make personal posts. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. The last post I did was a YouTube video. I know and will remember and follow and keep in touch now xx

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Casey says:

    Thanks for sharing your journey, your life and your heart. I blog for the same reason (but for adoptive families). XO


  4. roweeee says:

    Hi Eva,
    I’m also doing the A-Z Blogging Challenge and came across your site on Doreen’s blog so here I am. I haven’t had a stroke but I was born with hydrocephalus which was mostly dormant until my mid-twenties when I went rapidly down hill in a six month period and had a shunt inserted to manage the pressure. It was a long journey back and the shunt blocked and so more surgery. That was about 20 years ago now. Since then I developed a debilitating muscle-wasting disease but it is largely managed through medication. My blog touches on this but is more about everything we do despite or even inspite of that. Carpe diem seize the day is my motto…especially where my children are concerned. I want them not only to know me but also to be an active part of their lives. We have had many fabulous adventures.
    I’m not exactly sure whether there is a theme for my A-Z Challenge. Possibly “My Favourite Things” but there is definitely an Australian flavour to it all.
    I am looking forward to reading more of your thoughts and will check out your other blog.
    Blessings xx Rowena

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for sharing that with me Rowena! It means so much to me. It’s definitely a long, hard, and sometimes lonely road to recovery, but I have one doozy of an online support system!

      So glad you’re doing the A-Z Challenge with my alter ego. Lol. I can’t wait to check out your posts. Hugs. Eva

      Liked by 1 person

      • roweeee says:

        Yes, it is a long road and I am still improving 20 years later thanks to playing the violin. Are you familiar with brain plasticity? It’s fascinating!! xx Rowena


  5. Peter Nena says:

    Hi. I am one of the cohosts of the #Cherished blogfest and I want to thank you for participating in it. It has already begun and I look forward to reading about your most beloved object. Thank you, and do have a wonderful weekend. Cheers!


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