Hello fellow bloggers. It is the first Wednesday of the month and we know what that means, right? Time for the Insecure Writers Support Group – #IWSG. Please make sure to check the #IWSG homepage today. There’s a special announcement you don’t want to miss! Click on the link above to check it out.

Click on the Image to Join

Click on the Image to Join

Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh , my hero and one of my mentors, founded this amazing and wonderful group.

The group’s purpose is to allow writers to share their doubts and fears, trials and tribulations without fear of being mocked or feeling foolish. It’s also a place where writers who have “been there” can offer wisdom and guidance.

Whenever anyone finishes a draft, edits their work, finds the perfect critique group, publishes their work, or has any other good news to share, this is the place to do it too!

The awesome co-hosts for this month’s posting of the IWSG are  Julie Flanders, Murees Dupé, Dolorah at Book Lover, Christine Rains, and Heather Gardner!

Make sure you pay them a visit and thank them for all their hard work!

It’s been a tumultuous few months, but I’m keeping it together. Making every attempt to keep my chin up and trudge forward because it’s what I have to do.


When I feel defeated, I vent to a very special few, who hear me out and offer advice. I’m still traveling a rough road to get where I need to be. I pulled this Maya Angelou quote, and it expresses exactly how I feel. It instantly made me feel stronger. I loved her.

I refuse to give in. Sometimes I might be a little battered, but I will never admit defeat. Ever.

Do you have any favorite quotes that snap you out of a bad mood? Any other fans of Maya Angelou out there?





About My Miracle Life

I'm a writer, blogger, avid reader, book reviewer, sub-arachnoid hemorrhage and stroke survivor, moving forward in my recovery and trying to advocate for stroke and brain hemorrhage awareness and prevention. I'm also slowly working towards independence, driving, my first novel, a memoir and a series of short stories. I've been lucky to have a very small network of close friends to guide me; I've been even luckier to have found an online 'family' of sorts to help me through the rough times.
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15 Responses to IWSG – CHIN UP

  1. melissamaygrove says:

    You have been battered lately. That’s a good quote.
    IWSG #119 until Alex culls the list again

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Deanie Humphrys-Dunne says:

    My Dad always told us we never knew what we could do till we tried and that anything was possible if we never gave up. I know you’ll prevail because you have a great attitude.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Deanie, but I’d be lying if I said I always have a great attitude. I don’t. A lot of times I have to push myself.

      I had a short convo with Alex about this earlier. If not for the online Fellowship group I’m in and a few good online friends like you, I probably would’ve given up a long time ago.

      Make no mistake that your support has helped make me a stronger person – maybe not physically, but emotionally. I think that’s where I needed it most. Love you always, my friend.


  3. Lidy says:

    I love Maya Angelou and especially her quote “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. M.R.R. says:

    That’s a great quote.


  5. Jo Wake says:

    ‘Keep on keeping on’ is another quote I like. You are certainly doing that Eva. Love you.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Now that is the perfect quote! *hugs*


  7. Never give up. When someone knocks you down, stand up and dust yourself off and keep going! We just have to keep doing that.



  8. StrokeFighter says:

    Thinking about you! Hope all is well!


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